Based in Anchorage, Alaska, We serve basically all of Alaska, and anywhere the job may take us. From Anchorage, Eagle River, and the Mat-Su, to Homer, Seward, and even clear to Fairbanks and all points in between.
When not confined to a schedule, I enjoy just jumping in the car and heading out on the road with my bride and my camera to find and capture Alaska's (as well as my darling wife's) astounding beauty.
As well as portraits and wedding photos, we provide beautiful shots of Alaska's landscapes, flora, and wildlife and bring you great pieces of art to hang in your homes or business.
Occasionally you may find us throughout Alaska either participating in an arts and craft show, or just having coffee on the side of the road as we take in Alaska's beauty.
We also like to travel and bring home beautiful photography from around the world. Most of our travels have taken us to Hawaii, New York , Maine, Connecticut, Maryland, and Washington DC, just to name a few.